Face Shape: Men's Heart

Men's Heart

Sunglasses for Your Face Shape

Finding the perfect sunglasses for heart shaped faces like yours involves highlighting the broader parts of your face without adding any additional width. Frames with sharp angles can accent your own strong cheekbones. Try square or narrow rectangle sunglasses, like navigator frames, that fit close to the temple. The right angles on wayfarer frames provide some swagger with their straight lines, without bulking up your cheeks or diminishing your jawline.

What Face Shape Do I Have? Heart

Do you have a heart shape face? Need help determining your face shape, take a look at your facial proportions and follow these tips from Solstice Sunglasses.
  • You have a broad forehead
  • Wide cheekbones
  • Narrow chin
  • Square or narrow Rectangle frames, Navigator frames that fit close to the temple.
If you’re worried this shape might be too cute or boyish, take heart: Hollywood heartthrobs like Ryan Gosling, Bradley Cooper, and Donald Glover all have this charming, youthful face shape. A heart-shaped face in men is seen as charismatic and inviting, especially when you take Solstice’s advice to heart about choosing the right shades.

Best Sunglasses for Heart-Shaped Faces


  • Angular sunglasses can complement a heart face shape and glasses like shields or visor styles can overpower the lower half of your face.
  • Avoid especially wide frames, which can overwhelm a small jaw and make your chin seem small and pointed.
  • If you’re drawn to aviator shades, look for narrower options that fit tightly against the head to avoid a wider appearance at the cheeks.

Take heart! Have a look at some of Solstice Sunglasses’ favorite shades for men with heart-shaped faces.