Ben Sherman

Ben Sherman

9 products

E C O C O N S C I O U S  &  S U S T A I N A B L E

The choices of the materials used at Ben Sherman is critical to ensure reduction in the environmental impact of their products.  The sunglass collection is entirely made using green materials, such as renewable, bio-based TREENEW plastic made in America and polarized lenses derived from bio-material like organic fibers of cotton and wood.

Ben Sherman was a legend in his own right.  A man described as ‘always embracing the new and the different'; someone constantly searching for the best of things. He was a passionate businessman with an artist’s soul. Ben started making shirts for other people, but soon his creative flair took over and he started designing his own shirts.

As a modern British icon, Ben Sherman has always been for the individuals, for those that set themselves apart and today remains a leader of modern British style.